Second Publication

First Publication
First Publication
Botanical Archive is a booklet that divides into 2 parts. The first booklet is a research publication is based on the theme of botanical arts. The botanical art is less strict compared to botanical illustration, whose goal is to accurately depict plant anatomy. Botanical art can be more subjective and abstract. The botanical arts in this publication are arts that contain the theme of plants and flowers. This includes artifacts, paintings, illustration, photographs and digital arts that depict botany elements. 
Botanical arts in this publication are organized and presented using two different navigation systems. The first section is arranged using the sequencing method. The sequence is in ascending dates. So, the artwork that has the earliest date will be shown first, and the dates will ascend up to present. Another method is classification using the tagging system. tags on top of the pages will represent the 5 different categories that are each assigned a different colour. The colour of the tag represents what category each artwork falls into. The second section is classification reiterated only using the 5 tag system. The tabs at the side of the pages are there to make the navigation more accessible.
The second booklet is focused on the annotated bibliography. It contains 3 online textual sources, 3 print textual sources, 3 films or videos, and 2 podcast episodes. Each source is delivered with bibliography in MLA format. The theme of the research publication 2 carries the same theme as the publication 1, which is botanical art. Botanical art is about the portrayal of plant and flowering plant species, including sketches, paintings, ornaments, artifacts and architectures. Botanical art and illustration contains both more subjective and abstract work and scientific work. The sources cited in this publication relate to the theme both connotative and denotative.
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